New York City's Orchid / Plant Club

Wednesday, March 12th
Repotting Your Orchids - BRING YOUR PLANTS!!
$10 to participate if you're not yet a member
(or haven’t renewed recently). Renew your membership before the meeting or at the door and participate for free!
LGBT Community Center
208 West 13th Street, New York, NY
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM
(chips, cheese, soda, cookies, desserts, etc.)
No alcoholic beverages, please!
AWESOME RAFFLE of plants and plant-related things!
If you are not yet a member, you are still welcome to join us!
Indoor meetings include a show table! Bring your blooming plants!

Join Us
(To join, to renew your annual membership, or to make a donation)
If you are not yet a member, you can try before you buy!
You may attend a meeting to see what it's like, even before you join. ​
Membership Costs:
$30 per year (~$2.50/month) for single membership - less than a cup of coffee per month!
$35 per year (~$2.92/month) for a family
Why join a local orchid society?
Learning from fellow hobbyists with similar interests and growing conditions is the best way to achieve success! Our members are happy to share their tips and expertise. We grow on windows, under lights, in greenhouses and gardens, here in New York City!
About Us
The Manhattan Orchid Society, Inc. aims to promote knowledge of and cultivation of orchids. We specialize in the needs and interests of home growers and hobbyists anywhere in the country.
Members show off their flowering plants in our meetings and our Google Group. You might see a lot of orchids that are new to you!
MOS is an Affiliated Society of the American Orchid Society.